7 Reasons Why Your Resume Won't Get You The Dream Job


So, you are tired of applying for open job positions that you find on various companies’ websites and most times, what bothers you more is that you do not even get an acknowledgement mail. You have appeared for hundreds of interviews just so that you could land your dream job, but every time something always holds you back. This keeps on happening time and again even though you have gone great lengths to prepare your resume or look your best on the day of the interview.

Well, if this is the case, then you are not alone. There are plenty of people searching for the answer to why they are not getting what they really want professionally.

Well, there is a solution to every problem and solution to your problem could be in your resume or even in the psychometric test you are invited for as a pre-screening step or even in the interviews. There are chances that your resume interests the recruiter as a highly skilled and suitable candidate but your psychometric assessment score lets him change his mind. Whatever the reason is, the most important thing to remember is – There is always room for improvement. So, check out these 7 reasons which might be holding you back in getting the job you have always dreamt of.

1. You are not Compatible with the Workplace

Recruiters are not interested in your resume, instead they want to hire a candidate who is able to gel in with the working staff and the environment. They look for someone who has workplace compatibility and that is why many companies are using psychometric assessments to measure a candidate’s working habits and his attitude towards the other team members.

Therefore, to get the job you desire, you must be able to perform well in the psychometric assessment given to you during the recruitment process. Practice is the key to psychometric tests and the more you prepare, the better you perform in the psychometric tests. There are many online sites providing free practice tests starting from reasoning skills, verbal skills, to personality questionnaires.

Apart from judging your abilities from psychometric tests, recruiter is likely to form an opinion about you by your initial mannerism and how you present yourself. Hence, it is crucial for you to dress appropriately and show your abilities in the best presentable manner. This is going to be your only chance to put a thought in the mind of interviewer that you are the best fit for the workplace he/she is looking for.

2. Know Everything You Possibly Can About the Company

This is one of the mistakes candidates do when they are about to head for an interview. Unless you have sufficient knowledge about what company does and what services do they provide, you will never be in the driver’s seat. When you describe what the company does and how you can help in uplifting the company to the interviewer, you will have an extra edge over other candidates.

3. Make the Pitch

Instead of selling themselves to the potential employer, many job seekers forget that they are salespersons who should solely focus on selling a product or service. A person with a sales background is very well aware of the two basic rules: Solving the problem and asking for the business. After you have taken your boss or the interviewer to your side with your skills and experience, it is the time when you make the pitch by asking for a job in the best possible way.

4. Be More Specific when Applying for a Job

For any job position, they are going to be thousands of applications and the employer or the recruiter will be looking for reasons to skin out your resume from the rest to make the process easy and hassle free. Many times, recruiters find a candidate’s CV irrelevant to the job or recruiter may find him or her over qualified for the job title, but for a candidate who is willing to earn some experience with a particular company, this can kill his or her chances of being selected for the further round. So, be very specific when you are filling the cover letter. By not giving your reasons for joining the company in detail, you may risk your opportunity.

5. Show Your Skills to the Interviewer

If you hold the required skills and knowledge that company is looking for, but still fails to show them before the interviewer, you are counted among the candidates who have no skills. Always prepare for the interview and research the company before going for the interview. The interviewer may ask you to demonstrate your skills, this is the time when you play your cards right and wins your jackpot. Always come up with some strong examples in case you are asked to talk about certain situations. Always keep a positive mindset.

6. Work on Your Body Language

If you go to interviews with keeping in mind that interviewer is just going to see your resume and ask you about some skills to show, think again. Interviewer is observing candidate all day 6 days a week and has developed body language reading abilities subconsciously. If you answer to a question about transparency in the workplace with your arms and legs crossed, do keep in mind that he or she knows that you are lying. Read body language tips or books and work on your body language to create a vivid impression in the eyes of interviewer.

7. Filling-up False Information in the Resume

Never fill any false information on your resume, whether it is an extended experience or an added skill that you don’t own. A recruiter can easily point out if your resume is true and original or if it has been enhanced. Instead of increasing your chances for a particular job by filling out false information in the resume, you may risk your every opportunity with other employers too. Be very careful while you develop your resume.

These are the top 7 reasons that are probably stopping you from landing the dream job that you desire. Observe your interviewing pattern and if you find any of the reasons mentioned above relevant to your problem, then work on it and get it rectified.

Featured photo credit: Microsoft via blogs.technet.microsoft.com

The post 7 Reasons Why Your Resume Won’t Get You The Dream Job appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack http://www.lifehack.org/491573/7-reasons-why-your-resume-wont-get-you-the-dream-job
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