The 12 Best Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Warts Quickly

get rid of warts

Warts are stubborn growths that can appear anywhere on the skin. Some people find their warts to be embarrassing and unpleasant, but there are lots of natural ways to get rid of warts.

If you have a wart, it means that the human papillomavirus (HPV) has infected a small cut on your body. HPV is a broad term that covers lots of different types of warts. Here are the most common types of warts;

Common warts – These are most commonly found on the hands, and they often feel rough and dome shaped.

Plantar warts – These grow on your feet and are hard with dark specks. They can be painful when you walk as your body is putting pressure on the wart.

Filiform warts – These warts often grow on the face, and they are skin colored with thread-like growths coming out of them.

Flat warts – These warts grow on the face, legs and arms, and they are small and flat. They can be pink, brown or light yellow.

If you want to get rid of warts, here are 12 natural remedies that you can use:

1. Garlic

Garlic has a caustic effect that causes the wart to blister and fall off in a matter of weeks. Apply freshly crushed garlic directly to wart and cover with a bandage. Protect the surrounding skin from the garlic by covering the area around the wart with Vaseline.


2. Baking Soda

Baking soda is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, so it can help to combat the virus inside the wart. Mix baking powder with castor oil until they form a paste. Apply the paste to the wart at night time, then cover up. Repeat this process until the wart has died.


3. Dandelion

Dandelion sap is mildly irritating, so it stimulates your immune system, which helps your body to get rid of the wart. Simply break a dandelion stem in half and squeeze the liquid onto the wart every day until your wart dies.


4. Papaya

Papaya contains an enzyme that digests dead tissue, so it can get rid of warts over time. Make cuts on a papaya and collect the sap that runs out in a cup. Let the sap coagulate and then mix it with a little water. Apply the mixture to your wart twice a day.


5. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is very acidic which means it can remove the wart by slowly dissolving it. Mix a crushed vitamin C tablet with water to make a paste, then apply the paste to the wart and cover with a bandage.


6. Vitamin E

Vitamin E can also be used to get rid of warts. Simply piece a vitamin E capsule and rub the contents into the wart once a day. Simple!


7. Banana peel

A chemical in banana peel helps to dissolve warts, so it is a great way to get rid of warts quickly. Tape a piece of banana peel to the wart, with the inner side facing onto the wart.


8. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a natural cure for lots of things as it is antibacterial, and it has powerful germ-fighting capabilities. Apply tea tree oil directly to the wart, then cover up with a bandage. Protect the surrounding skin with a small amount of Vaseline.

benefits of tea tree oil

9. Basil

Basil leaves contain virus killing compounds, so it can be used to get rid of warts. Crush up a fresh basil leaf and tape it over your wart with medical tape. Replace each day with fresh basil for a week.


10. Goldenseal

Goldenseal is a powerful herb that contains compounds that help to fight off viruses and bacteria. Simply apply a tincture of goldenseal twice a day.


11. Birch bark

Birch bark contains salicylates, which is a commonly found in over-the-counter wart treatments. Simply dampen the birch bark with water and tape it to your wart, with the inner side facing the wart.


12. Aloe vera

Aloe vera contains malic acid, a powerful acid that can help to burn away the affected tissue. Break a leaf in half and rub the gel into the wart once a day.

benefits of aloe vera

Featured photo credit: Kaspars Grinvalds via

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