16 Unhealthy Habits You Should Get Rid Of By Turning 35 Years Old


If you are reaching your mid-thirties it is time to take have a look at yourself and decide which habits are worthwhile keeping and which are weighing you down and ought to be shaken off. Let’s take a look at 16 habits that you should quickly be shedding.

1. Comparing yourself to others.

When you compare yourself to others you do damage to your sense of self. By undertaking the game of comparisons you are bound to end up feeling envious and low in confidence. Comparing yourself to others is also not very effective, as the front that others present in public may mask what they are really feeling or going through.

2. Being a spendthrift

It’s all very well having the latest accessories and the nicest car; but is it really necessary? At one point you need to ask yourself; If I keep spending will I have something to live off when I get older? The fact is the earlier you start saving the longer you have to accrue interest on your money, and this additional interest could prove to come in handy when you are in your senior years.

3. Having irregular sleeping habits

When you were young, you think you can sleep anytime. You think you can stay awake all the time. But all these will make you pay a price later in life. And your body will no longer be capable of such habit. Start going to sleep and waking up at regular times. This can do you a world of good. It will help you remain fresh through-out the days and lead to good sleeping habits for the future.

4. Thinking you need to satisfy everyone.

After you reach a certain age it is time to stop trying to please everyone around you and choose a couple of close friends and family to be good to. Invest your time and energy wisely and be selective when you choose to help others. Most importantly don’t skimp on your own needs.

5. Abusing your feet

Your feet are essential for life. Make sure you wear shoes that fit and are comfortable. Otherwise you may end up with infections, hammer toes, blisters, weird skin or bunions. And these ailments could prove to slow you down later in life.

6. Avoiding spending time alone

Spending time with yourself can be very beneficial and can help you ‘reboot’ your system. Quiet time alone will allow you to gather your thoughts and reflect on what you have. If you still can’t enjoy being alone, it’s hard for you to be really happy with others.

7. Being inactive

We have all know that keeping fit will help you get the most out of life. But did you know that in the later half of your 30s you start losing muscle mass. This makes exercising during these years all the more important. As if you want to remain strong in your later years you need to flex those muscles.

8. Putting off your life dream

Now is the time to pursue your life dreams. Don’t wait another minute because time is ticking by. You may wish to start a family, travel the world, or write a book. Whatever your ambition is make sure you take the first steps to fulfil it now.

9. Being lazy with your dental hygiene

Look after your teeth because you only get one set. Make sure you get your teeth cleaner regularly and do all the daily dental hygiene stuff that needs to be done. The longer you keep your own teeth the better your smile will be and the happier you will be eating.   

10. Getting a tan

If you would rather not have wrinkles and thin skin from sun damage, then stop lying in the sun. Once more a great looking tan can prove to cause major health concerns later in life, though, for example, the development of melanomas.

11. Dealing with all your stressful events in your head

Keeping a journal can help you put your thoughts and feelings down on paper. This, in turn, can help you deal with stressful events. More than this a journal can be a great reminder of good times and struggles when you get older.

12. Berating yourself for your mistakes

Start learning how to forgive yourself for your mistakes. Try not to dwell on where you went wrong and instead look towards the future and see how you can steer things in the direction you want to go.

13. Smoking

If you are a smoker stop immediately. Research suggests that if you quit before you reach the age of 40 you have a 90% lower mortality rate than those who continue to smoke.

14. Looking to change yourself and things around you.

If you are content with what you have and who you are chances are you will be happier in life. Research suggests that true gratitude can increase happiness and decrease negative feelings.

15. Trying to hide your inner-nature

If people do not appreciate who you truly are deep down, then they are not worth the effort. Show the world your inner beauty and it’ll smile back.

16. Closing off from those you love

Be open to those who love you. Let them in and share your thoughts and experiences with them. The more you open up to the ones you love the more you will gain from having them close.

Featured photo credit: A Runners Enduring Excursion via arunnersenduringexcursion.com

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