The 15 Best Compliments You Could Ever Give/Receive

15 compliments

You probably have received them and given them as well. They are compliments: expressions of praise or admiration.

Often compliments are centered around one’s physical appearance, body, clothing, hair, makeup, style. You might compliment a male co-worker on his new suit or a friend on the fragrance of her perfume. And while receiving these physical compliments can give you a quick ego boost, the most resounding and heartfelt compliments tend to focus on your character or the innate inner qualities you possess which make you unique!

Receiving a compliment which is spoken with sincerity always ramps up your “feel good” meter.  It demonstrates that another person values your qualities and ideas. But did you know that giving a compliment to someone else can be just as (or even more) powerful to you and create wonderful energy? The pure act of giving a compliment which is genuine boosts your own positivity. Why? Because you will make someone else feel good! That positive energy you just created will most likely be met with a smile or a “thank you”. Then you smile back.  Like attracts like. What a wonderful way to uplift someone’s day !

Here are 15 wonderful compliments to give or to receive:

1. You are nothing less than special.

This compliment is one of my favorites and was spoken to me long ago  by a dear friend who holds my heart.  It implies that you are adored, loved and admired. Its simply beautiful.

2. You are one of a kind.

These words, when spoken in a positive light, imply that you are very unique, special and unlike others in one or many ways. You are being recognized exactly for that because you possess a noticeable good quality which many others do not. Your uniqueness is being recognized and honored.

3. You always make people smile.

A smile always seems to help in even some of the most despairing situations. These kind words shine your happy-go-lucky attitude and genuine desire to make others feel good. Smiles are contagious, so practice them often.

4. You are always there for me.

If you ever want to express your trust in someone and let her know she can count on you, then this compliment is the one to say. Offering dependability, accountability and a shoulder to lean on during challenges is always a good thing.

5. You always see the bright side (of things).

Ah, this compliment is a telltale sign about your perspective and how you view and respond to circumstances which may not always be under your control.  Namely, you see the glass as “half full”. You exhibit a positive spirit and can always see the upside (benefits) in any situation.

6. You would make/you are a beautiful mother/father.

Partners often say this to one another when they are contemplating having a family or already have children.  It expresses the acknowledgment that they see kind, caring and loving “parenting” qualities in the other. It honors the giving spirit of a parent.

7. You always throw a great party.

Hosting a party entails a great deal of time, energy and work. If your friend consistently throws a wonderful gathering time and time again, then tell him so.  You are acknowledging his time, expense, social skills, and his uncanny ability to make his guests feel comfortable and allow them to enjoy themselves.

8. You are the best friend/mother/father/wife/husband/partner anyone could ask for.

This compliment could be said to almost anyone as long as its spoken with sincerity. It embodies friendship, care, trust and closeness. Being the “best” in anything means you rank #1!

9. You never cease to amaze me (spoken in a positive light).

When you give this compliment to another, you are sharing your thoughts about his ability to persever, to be adventurous, or to be unique and consistent  in his actions. Perhaps he justs bowls you over with kindness. Whatever it is he does, he keeps finding ways to impress or astonish you.

10. You set such a great example for others.

If you are told this, be proud. You are exhibiting leadership qualities which others notice and for which you are commended. Not all people are great leaders so revel in someone taking notice of your values and your ability to motivate, inspire and guide others.

11. You raise the bar.

When you raise the bar, you are setting new (and higher) standards. If someone pays you this compliment, she is  implying that you are a high achiever not only able to do your best, but you set new (higher) levels of achievement for others to follow.

12. You always go the extra mile.

Say this to someone to express your acknowledgement that he exceeds the standards. He won’t accept doing “average”. He will go above and beyond what is required of him.

13. You are always willing to lend a hand.

Express this compliment to friends, family or co-workers who are especially helpful. People who embrace this philothropic nature will go out of their way and perhaps accept personal sacrifices just in order to help someone in need. With their genuine desire to be accomodating and supporting,  they often do so unconditionally.

14. You walk the talk.

Yes, many people like to “talk the talk” but never “walk it”. This compliment signifies your “down to earth” attitude between your words/intentions and your actions. You say what you do and you do what you say. You have grit. You don’t pay lip service. You act in alignment with your intentions and your words.  Those who pay you this compliment believe you  are usually very dependable and have the ability to create much success in your life because you stand behind your words.

15. You have a heart of gold.

This is an oldie but goodie. Having a heart of gold (a precious metal) indicates you are kind, understanding, supportive and giving. Since gold is a rare metal, these words imply that the kindness you possess is rare like gold.

Know that the power of the intention and compliments you give is strong. Highlight other’s strengths, forgive their weaknesses. Accept others’ compliments with grace.

In the words of Dr. Steve Maraboli, “….I will sprinkle compliments and uplifting words wherever I go. I will do this knowing that my words are like seeds, and when they fall on fertile soil, a reflection of those seeds will grow into something greater.”

Featured photo credit: Carlos ZGZ via

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