6 Books Jessica Mah Recommends To People Who Want To Succeed


There are 6 Books Recommended by Jessica Mah to Entrepreneurs who want to succeed.

Jessica Mah, CEO of YouTube inDinero is a very successful entrepreneur and has recommended 6 books with inspirational stories and very helpful information to people, especially to entrepreneurs who want to succeed.

Success seems to come easy to some, while the majority of us struggle to make it to the top of ladder. People who strive to be successful know to follow in the footsteps of those folks who are “living the life” we are working hard to achieve. Following in their footsteps and acting on their recommendations is the best way to learn and grow into a successful entrepreneur. It only makes sense that these people have experiences that are of great value to those who want to succeed.

Jessica Mah is one of those successful persons we need to follow. Incredibly, she started her first business when she was eleven years old and began coding at the early age of eight years old. It seems this lady was born with the destiny to succeed in business. She is the co-founder and CEO of inDinero: a free online financial dash board that synchs data across financial accounts. Jessica and her co-founder have smelled the sweet scent of success, and have had their share of ups and downs.

Jessica makes it a habit to read books, especially the books that will inform and inspire her. Jessica would like to see other entrepreneurs who want to succeed get the tools needed to do so and recommends the following books that are loaded with information and inspiration for entrepreneurs to be successful. In an article by Inc.’s editor, Zoe Henry, you will find them listed with a brief description:

1. Reinventing Organizations, by Frederick Laloux.


This book talks about the findings from doing research to see “what a thoughtful, effective and productive organization might look like.”

2. The Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Rational Blueprint for Success, by William Thorndike.


This book looks in to the professional lives of eight high profile CEOs and discovers a commonality that attributed to their success.

3. Setting the Table: The Transforming Power of Hospitality in Business, by Danny Meyer.


Using the hospitable approach when serving customers’ needs is the focus of this book.

4. The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done, by Peter Drucker.


This book discusses five habits that are essential for CEOs to be productive and effective.

5. Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People, by G. Richard Shell.


This book delves into the art and science of negotiation, and includes “concrete tips” for being a better negotiator.

6. The Bell Jar, by Sylvia Plath.


This is a fictional story about a woman named, Esther Greenwood who struggles with mental illness and depression and is fascinated with the promise of a great future in New York City.

There is no set formula for being successful. Following the advice from those who have walked and are walking the entrepreneurial journey that are successful is bound to lead to our success. Jessica Mah has and is on an incredibly successful journey and has recommended these 6 books to people who want to be successful.

The reason for this is likely because of the cross-section of great material that teaches us to become better effective and productive leaders of our teams and organizations, highly effective negotiators, things to do and not do in our daily professional lives, always approach clients and customers with a hospitable attitude; and, when times are rough and you feel like the world is spinning, “keep on keeping on,” and eventually your dream of succes will become a reality. With steadfast diligence and determination, you will eventually achieve the success enjoyed by Jessica Mah and her team.

Featured photo credit: Jessica Mah speaks via youtu.be

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