10 Most Terrifying Spiders On Earth

People are terrified of spiders, and rightfully so. No matter how many scientists try to tell us not to be afraid of spiders -- they're just freaky looking. They're like nature's horror movie. Even if it can't hurt you... ew!

Anyone who tries to argue that spiders aren't scary either has too much time on their hands, is flat-out weird, or both. These spiders prove that.

10. Black Widow Spider

Their bites are said to be 15 times more toxic than a rattlesnake, but luckily enough for humans they are very timid and their first defense is to play dead.

9. Kauai Cave Wolf Spider

This spider has no eyes but is still as scary as they come.

8. Assassin Spider

These spiders are relatives of the dinosaurs and as a result look very ancient to any human.

7. Argyrodes Colubrinus

Any spider with a name that means snake-like is sure to find its way into your nightmares.

6. Zebra Spider

A spider that jumps, now that is scary!

5. Six-eyed Sand Spider

A cousin to the black recluse has venom that is just as deadly. However, this spider native to Northern Africa seldom bites.

4. Water Spider

The water spider has an intimidating look to it as well.

3. Bird Dung Crab Spider

When you look and smell like bird dung that's a special kind of "no, thank you."

2. Giant Huntsman Spider

The giant huntsman has the largest leg span of any spider in the world.

1. Mouse Spiders

Their bites are so deadly that humans have invested tons of money to ensure we have an anti-venom to fight it.


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