Increase Video Conversions with These Marketing Tips

Video marketing has changed the way we interact with content because this format is more practical. For example, instead of reading text tutorials, you can follow through on a video lesson easily helping you accomplish your main task at hand.

Not to mention, sites like and have made it easy for us to post cool tutorials which not only build our audience, but help promote our brand and credibility. Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of working with some top marketing companies who are trying to utilize video formats to increase engagement on their website. They do this in two ways.

First, they’ll put together an information video to post on their website, and will shoot an email with attachment to existing customers.

Secondly, they’ll post the video on making sure it’s been optimized correctly to increase brand awareness. You simply create an account on, upload your video, and then make sure you have the right keywords related to your video. You’ll be surprised how effective this strategy is in getting your brand across to millions of people around the world. If this is something you’re planning to do, then it’s important you utilize the following video marketing strategies which I’ll outline below.

Research Topics

It’s important you focus on creating a video which answers common problems within your niche. I’ve noticed this type of content attracts the most engagement because it solves a major problem people are having within your niche. Compile a list of questions by visiting forums to look for a trend in the type of questions being asked. You can also email your subscribers asking them to fill out a survey attached where you ask what topic you should write about next.

Also, contact other top bloggers in your niche who have experience asking them for insight on what’s trending since they’ve been around longer. I’m sure they’ll be able to provide you with a cool list of trending topics you should be focusing on going forward.

Focus on Audience

Just like your content, it’s important you create your videos for your audience not yourself. By now you should have a clear indication of what type of content your audience loves and where they are around the world so you don’t run into a language barrier. If language is an issue, then you can hire an editor to convert the video into a language your audience will understand.

Now that you know your audience, it’s important you create a video which appeals to them because this will increase social shares, engagement and links to the video. Ask yourself these common questions before creating a video:

  • Who is my audience?
  • What type of value are they looking for?
  • What is the purpose of this video?
  • How long should it be to get my point across?
  • On which video platforms should I upload my video?
  • What format should the video be in to get the best quality? (we’ll explore this later)

Make The Video Educational

When creating videos, you’ll have a lot of options like presentations, product introductions, and short clips, however I found the highest converting are those which are educational. The purpose of these types of videos is to educate the audience through case studies, live experiments, how-to, etc.

The substance and/or value gained from such videos is priceless which is why they have such a high attraction rate. It’s been said that educational videos tend to have 55% more engagement in the form of links, social shares, comments, and sales then any other type of video.

The next time you create a video, find ways to make it educational by incorporating a case study or experiment to help illustrate your main objective or point.

The Right Video Format

At one point, I was uploading videos in the lowest format because I didn’t know what type of negative effective it would have on my engagement. That year I must have lost 10% of my overall readership which is a lot when the potential audience is the world.

Video format is just like “font color” or “font spacing” because when content is hard to read then your audience will just leave because there is NO shortage of other valuable content online. Using the same principal, it’s important you upload the highest quality video because this will make it easier for people to watch and pull out value. Video’s can be uploaded in FLV, MOV, QT, AVI, HD.

For make sure the content can play in high-definition 720p-1080p since this is probably what your competition is uploading video’s in. For more information on converting to YouTube, please check out this blog section which illustrates how to convert to and from


YouTube, several years back, integrated the ability for people to add a direct link within the video and description. It’s important you take advantage of this integration and link back to your main page, content, or product. Make sure it’s in the call-to-action format because this is where most of the conversion will occur. Use phrases like – “click here”, “free trial”, “learn more”, “limited time only”. There is also a way to format the call-to-action text so it stands out increasing the likelihood of a conversion taking place.

Final Thoughts

Above I have gone through some of the fundamentals of high converting videos. Make sure you start to apply each one the next time you are creating a video for your content, service or product. Just make sure you have an analytical tool in place to check for conversions so you know what’s working and what’s not. Your main objective is to engage your audience so you build your brand, credibility and increase your bottom line (profits).

Featured photo credit: Laura Lee Moreau via

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