Anti-aging Secrets Revealed in 12 FREE Steps

In the world we live in today it’s basically a sin to age. Now more than ever men and women (and even some of their children) are going under the knife and spending oodles of hard earned cash on lotions, potions and pills that just don’t work. There’s no get fit, rich or young quick scheme that works. All of these things are attained by hard work and dedication, that’s why the fruits of victory taste so damn sweet.

You can cheat death to a degree by employing real, science backed methods that boost your Human Growth Hormone without needles, pills and expensive doctors visits.

Here are 12 easy steps to remaining forever young that don’t involve a niptuck. HGH (Human Growth Hormone) is produced in our pituitary glands and is responsible for cell repair, body composition and metabolism. It helps to boost muscle growth, strength and increases our ability to preform physically demanding tasks all while preventing injury and helping us recover from injury.

With lower HGH levels we might be more susceptible to disease and fat gain. In short, this hormone keeps us young, supple and fit while protecting us but it slowly tapers off in production as we reach and surpass our thirties.

Lose Body Fat

High body fat levels (think midsection fat) will likely impair HGH production increasing your risk of disease. This seems to affect men more so however this is something imperative in both genders. The best way to start burning up belly fat is to take up short but effective cardio exercise like sprints, intervals or HIIT training.

Try Fasting

Fasting simply means to go without food for a period of time. Sometimes this could be a few hours, sometimes a few days. For the case of trying to boost HGH we can limit this to a number of hours or calories over a period of time.

Try opting for an 8 hour “eating” window while keeping fasted for 16 hours. Your day will start with stretching, tea and maybe some exercise. Eating can commence around noon and cease at 8pm. Keeping insulin levels low (fasted state) will limit insulin spiking which have been shown to disrupt production. Just 3 days of fasting has been found to show HGH increases of over 300%.

Grab Some Arginine

Arginine is an Amino Acid essential to HGH production. While bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts alike may take in BCAA supplements around exercise, there may be no benefit to HGH production ~ sniffle sniffle.

Good news is that studies have found Arginine taken solo did create an increase to HGH levels at 45-114mg of arginine per pound of body weight – similar to 10-20 grams per day. This study in particular found higher doses increased HGH production during sleep of up to 60% – lower doses, not so much.

Sugar Shocked No More

Remember our friend insulin and how when she spikes she makes us look and feel old? Don’t forget it. Excess sugar creates weight gain and obesity which reduce our happy HGH hormone production and diabetics have been found to have 3-4 times  lower HGH levels than non-diabetics.

Put Down That Pudding Pop

When I’m teaching children at schools I introduce the “sometimes treat” so they can bring this philosophy home to their families and teach up. If you suffer from sweet tooth-itis try replacing conventional sugar with Stevia, a near miracle 0 calorie sugary sweetness all made from plants. Limit your intake of large amounts of sugar and refined carbs like white bread, bagels and donuts.

Sleep Light Not Full

We naturally release large amounts of HGH at night. As the act of eating a large meal will cause those insulin level spikes we’ve learned about it is suggested to avoid eating heavily before bed. This means no post-pub grub and you might want to skip the pub while you’re at it.

Depending on your body type, meals high in carbs OR protein might block HGH release. The jury is still out on this one in terms of research posted. The best practice is to avoid meals within 2-3 hours of sleepy time.

Amino Acid Rescue

GABA is a non-protein amino that sends signals all around our brains. It acts as a calming agent in the brain and nervous system and can be used to aid in insomnia patients.

The increase in HGH has been found at 400% at rest and 200% post-workout. Because GABA improves sleep this means that our HGH output at night improves bathing itself in long, deep sleeps. Downside? A lot of the positive effects have been found to be short term in nature.

Be Intense

HGH levels are boosted significantly by high intensity exercise. Of course, this is all dependant on the type of exercise and nutrition intake around your workout and the body that is preforming the work. Some people can achieve great HGH increases in weight lifting sessions with limited rest periods. The metabolic nature of this particular exercise style and subsequent increase in lactic acid makes hight intensity exercise your best producer of HGH.

Try intervals, sprints or hit to spike your HGH while burning a tonne of fat. In the long term this type of exercise will help you to not only boost HGH but optimize hormones and decrease body fat which again, boost the wonder hormone.

What is a HIIT workout and how can I incorporate these into my every day fitness plans? Visit YouTube for some great HIIT workout ideas.

Shake It Till You Break It

There are a huge variety of supplements that can and will optimize performance while boosting HGH. Some studies have found beta-alanine to do just this.

You can find this supplement in BCAA’s, pre-workout and other nutritional supplements. This could increase your ability to lift more or complete more repetitions during your gym session. Add these to a shake for post workout or shake them up in your water during your workouts.

Beta-alanine can double peak power and boost HGH. If you’re looking to lose fat and boost HGH you should stay away from sugary drinks and instead incorporate a clean powdered protein shake post workout.

Rest Is Best, Try This Test

HGH is released in pulses when we sleep. This is all wrapped up within our circadian rhythm. Large pulses happen during our deepest sleep and just before we wake. Poor sleep will deeply impact our HGH production levels.

If you’re looking to tap into enhancing long term HGH production, sleep is the number one strategy to employ. Want more, deeper sleep? Try these tips:

  • no screens in the bedroom or for 30 minutes before sleep
  • keep bedroom temps at around 60 degrees (F)
  • avoid caffeine after 3pm

Stay All Natural, Naturally

When I’m low on fulfilling, deep, regular sleep I look to my friend Melatonin to regulate myself and start over. This is a hormone that regulates blood pressure and has become quite a popular sleep aid as of late. Some research has advised that melatonin can directly impact HGH production beyond it’s abilities to help you achieve a deep rest. How’s that for a double whammy?

Basic use is 1-5 mg just before bed. Of course, doses all depend on you, your tolerance and what you’ve been ordered to do by your physician.

There are so many supplements that can benefit your HGH production in the short term. Which doesn’t mean they’re not effective, just that they’re not as effective as long term solutions.

  • Glutamine
  • Creatine
  • Ornithine
  • L-dopa
  • Glycine

Stress Is The Black Plague

When you’re stressed out you can lose sleep, turn to food for emotional comfort or become sedentary. All these things are not good for our body, mind or spirit.

In an effort to remain “Forever Young” we need to take a look at our current state of affairs, evaluate where we want to be and set that as a goal to achieve. Simple tasks such as generating a routine that incorporates sleep, balanced nutrition and meditation can curb our stresses, allow for more good times and a general feeling of well being.

In order to stay young we must keep life as light and playful as possible while ensuring that we surround ourselves with relaxing, happy experiences.

Try adding these few routines to your day to maximize control over your own happiness:

  • Sleep & Wake at the same time opting for 7 hours rest.
  • Utilize meditation for 5-10 minutes before bed.
  • Prepare meals well in advance and in bulk to reduce stress.
  • Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes.
  • Take a walk after lunch to clear your head.
  • Journal each morning for 5 minutes with your coffee.

If all this information made you yell out “I can’t organize my life, I don’t know where to start, please, help me!”. Don’t become frustrated with yourself and give up. We have all been there and even fall off the wagon to return to a life of flailing after successes. It’s human and after all, unless you’re a Manatee that’s how you came to read this post.

Start with baby steps, incorporate one new “thing” per week and soon in as little as a month you will be well on your way to reversing the signs of premature aging without shelling out more than a few bucks.

If you want quick access to free meal plans, fitness routines and tips to stock your kitchen you can access them here.

The post Anti-aging Secrets Revealed in 12 FREE Steps appeared first on Lifehack.

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