7 Secrets Of Success From Tony Robbins That Will Lead To A More Successful Life

Successful Life

Tony Robbins – he is the man. You know who he is, I know who he is. As a businessman, author, philanthropist, and motivational speaker, Tony Robbins has been helping people change their lives and improve for the better for the past 30 years. Best known for his self-help books, Unlimited Power and Unleash the Power within, Robbins has made millions of dollars, and helped business owners and regular people make money.

Here are 7 secrets to a successful life that can be learned from Tony Robbins and his career:

1. Mindfulness

To practice mindfulness, Tony has been channeling his energy by using practices that have been around for more than millennia and used by cultures around the world, and for good reason. They lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, and improve overall health. It’s no wonder Tony uses priming exercises every morning!

One such practice is called Enlightenment, which began in India more than 2,500 years ago.

2. Raise Standards

Change comes from inside. It doesn’t matter what you do in life, you are not going to improve yourself unless you change and change begins within. Who gives a damn about achieving goals if you aren’t fulfilled when you do?

Fulfill yourself by setting your standards way above what you think you can do.

3. Reset Mind & Mood

Tony has made the distinction between peak performance and poor performance clear and believes the difference is the state your body and mind is in.

If your body and mind aren’t synced, your performance will suffer, and you won’t go anywhere. Think about times you’re sad, depressed, or feel like giving up – how productive are you? Do you feel like moving, or doing anything? I certainly don’t.

It’s important to recognize when you’re in a sour mood and evaluate your body’s posture. Are you slouched over? Stand up straight. Sporting a frown? Why not try faking a smile? How we feel reflects how we stand – it’s that link between our brain and our body. That’s why confident, happy people (such as Tony Robbins) are always upright.

4. Let Go

There’s no way you can completely let go of a past that’s scarred you. When someone’s wronged us, we tend to hold onto that for years and years and years. Time passes and that grudge has seeded so deep in our subconscious that they affect us without our realizing it.

We’re keeping all of the negative energy balled up in us, right? So, let it go. The past can’t be changed and what happened to you is not the you that you are today. It doesn’t affect your outcome today. So, let go.

It’s time to face reality: the past can’t be changed. Sure, you can look at the bad things that have happened you differently, but at the end of the day, they still can’t be changed. Center your time and focus on what you’re doing now to make a more efficient you for tomorrow.

Realize your sense of worth by evaluating what is important to you. What do you enjoy doing?

5. Look Confident

You know the conventional wisdom, “Don’t judge a book by its cover?” As good as it is, it’s pure bologna. People form impressions and opinions of you the moment they see you. They make judgments about the way you move, the way you walk, talk, and breathe.

How are your shoulders? If they’re slouched or crouched, fix them. Align your spine upright.

Do you tend to fidget a lot? Play with your hands, clothes, hair, or constantly shift? These movements give you the air that you’re uncomfortable, which is bad news in the eyes of people who seek to judge you.

How’s your eye contact? Holding eye contact in conversations is a tremendously successful way of showing two things: 1) You’re actively listening to what’s being said, and 2) You’re not afraid. Most people look down, off to the side, or anywhere except who they’re talking to.

Standing like Superman for two minutes changes you psychologically, too. When you feel more capable handling situations, you start believing in yourself – and your thoughts change. Why? Body language.

Body language is a subtle communication between people. That’s why some of the most successful executives seem larger than life – their confidence is astronomical because of their body language. This gives their communication so much meaning.

People will sense this, on a subconscious level, and respect you more because you’re giving them non-verbal cues that you know exactly what you’re worth, as well as what you’re doing.

6. Handle Stress

Believe it or not, how most people handle emotions can be summed up in four basic ways:

  1. We avoid them. We mentally, spiritually, and emotionally shut ourselves off to what’s happening and refuse to admit what’s going on. Some people often do this to not feel anything at all. Happiness, sadness, stress – they run from it. This keeps people from experiencing honest love when it’s right in front of them and keeps them in a shell, cutting off the very things life is made of.
  2. We deny them. No! No! No! We don’t believe we’re experiencing those negative emotions, like a loved one’s passing. This restraint often multiplies in intensity, and the stronger you bottle those emotions up, what happens? That’s right, you explode and lose control of yourself.
  3. We compete with the misery of other people. How many times, when someone’s shared an experience with you, you tried to one-up them? Say your friend lost their puppy. “Oh yeah?” We say, “That’s tragic. Reminds me of the time I lost my baby.” Or what about the time someone in your life had something incredible to them? A lot of people, from whom I’ve talked to, couldn’t let it happen. So, they shared their own experiences of happiness, instead of letting their friend enjoy the bonus. This competition helps nobody. It’s fruitless and isn’t the path to spiritual, or emotional growth.
  4. They learn from pain, and they learn from stress to better themselves – to challenge themselves and find those incremental shifts in perception, to handle situations later down the road. This is the truth: problems, sorrows, and obstacles are hidden “secrets” the universe puts before us to get farther in life.

7. Control Emotions

Controlling our emotions is no easy feat and it’s a struggle a lot of us deal with everyday. The amount of people in the world who don’t realize their potential and aren’t fulfilled because they don’t believe in themselves, and are divorced or their spouse leaves and their job performance is suffering – it’s enough to make anybody crack. And the more I realize this, the more I see this with my own eyes, the harder it is for me to see. I break down.

That’s why a super-fast way to take control of my emotions (and you can too) is by:

  • Identifying what I’m feeling.
  • Acknowledging these emotions, and thanking God I’m still alive to feel.
  • Figuring out what’s going on: I’m experiencing this for a reason, right? What is this reason.
  • Remembering how you’ve gotten over it before.
  • Knowing we can handle this emotion in the future, again, by dealing with it today.


If none of this works for you (are you honestly applying yourself?), head over to Netflix and watch Tony’s “I Am Not Your Guru” documentary. The film is an extraordinary, first-hand glimpse into the magic of Tony’s powerful seminars and will have you finding success on your own terms.

Featured photo credit: via pixabay.com via pixabay.com

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