10 Effective Ways To Get More Customers


Clients and customers are the lifeblood of business – without these valuable groups, you won’t have any business to speak of. Unfortunately, there’s no magical “formula” you can use that will help get more customers to your business.

Luckily, building advantageous relationships, doing some savvy networking, and good old fashioned marketing make it an easier process to get new customers. Just follow these tips:

1. Brazenly Bare It All

If you have a physical store-front, there is no better way to bring in foot traffic than a window display. Have the guts to show people what you can give them.

Consumers are bombarded with persuasion tricks and savvy marketers who know a thing or two about manipulation. Counter this by showing products and decorating your store in eye-catching ways.

2. Why Going Old School Boosts Leads

Remember flyers and brochures? These “dinosaur tactics” of marketing can generate incredible leads – if you execute your marketing strategy properly.

Real life marketing can be a breath of fresh air in a world where online marketing runs rampant. Since we live in a visual society, take your main benefits and apply them to your flyers, brochures, and pamphlets in ways that people will instantly recognize.

You even have the opportunity here to include discount coupons (which advertising masters David Ogilvy, Claude Hopkins, and Robert Collier swear by – and if they’re good enough for the legends of marketing, they’re good enough for you).

Offer 25% or 50% off for customers who bring you the coupon or code.

3. It’s Who You Know That Shows The Moolah

Who do you know in business? Think of every name you’ve come across in the past that you think will help you and ask them how you can help them. Maybe propose a joint venture-ship?

Tap hot, marketable names in your network, and help them for no charge. This will A) not only show goodwill of your character, but B) tap into the fact that people tend to feel the need to reciprocate goodwill. So they probably will do something for you in return.

4. Dominate Trade Shows

Attending trade shows is a phenomenal way for spreading exposure for your business, nabbing you some important face-time with important movers and shakers.

Do you have a booth set up? Are you selling something or looking to just build leads? Whatever the case, trade shows (especially specialty ones) are important for one reason: foot traffic. A lot of foot traffic.

There’s rarely a place or time when so many people expect to be sold to. Most people are genuinely interested in each other’s businesses – so why not go all out? Give each and every person who visits your booth a reason for them to see how much you value them. Unabashedly lay out every single benefit people get from doing business with you – without hype, without fluff, and without gimmicky showmanship.

There’s one big caveat: your trade show displays create a brand image. Having a bad one can sink your business faster than you can say “Jack Robinson”. That’s why having a solid-as-stone brand image, high-tier professional displays, and out-of-this-world courtesy gives you nothing but A grades all across the board.

Plus, these trade shows give you a chance to try out some creative exhibits that will really wow browsers and executives alike.

5. Develop Your USP

USP is short for Unique Selling Position. It’s actually “Proposition,” but I like “Position” better. What you’re essentially doing is positioning your business or campaign a certain way – a way that’s different from the competition.

A popular example is pizza delivery. Do you remember when Dominoes first advertised the “At your house in 30 minutes or your pizza is free” craze? This unique selling position set them up for a radical boost in profits.

Rosser Reeves, in his book “Reality In Advertising,” describes Dodge Chrysler’s USP as thus: “It was sent smashing through creeks.  Elephants were photographed standing on its top to show the strength of the body. Chorus girls, two and three at a time, were shown hanging from one opened door to prove the strength of the hinges. ‘TOUGHNESS … RUGGEDNESS—WITH BEAUTY!’ This was the USP, although it was never summed up in so many pat words.”

6. Billboards Aren’t Always Annoying

Billboards are a quick and easy way to get your “face” out there, in front of the people immediately. Sadly, billboards don’t come cheap. However, since there are billboards everywhere, I’d say the amount of people you can reach far outweighs the cost.

7. Run A Smart Ad Campaign

If you’ve invested in Google Adwords or Facebook ads, you know that these platforms are great for business (if you’re savvy enough to know what you’re doing). They are a very affordable way to advertise for business owners on a shoestring budget.

Perfect Audience and Adroll are two great re-targeting services for site owners with huge bounce rates.

Does the reality of running a full ad campaign frighten you? Don’t worry: Kudu does just that.

8. Excellent Customer Service

Without a doubt, customers must be at the heart of your business. People are liable to find something wrong with your business and are bound to complain about it. It’s ugly, but it’s just the way we are. This is why having someone trained in handling people – a real people person – is a wise investment.

When you’re reaching out using mail, consider sending a handwritten letter. The days of personalized communication methods like this are gone, why not bring it back? Plus, people will be less likely to think you’re just another scam artist looking for money.

9. Create Controversy

In order to bring people into his museum, legendary showman P.T. Barnum paid a nobody to set up blocks outside his museum. The nobody would lay down several bricks on top of each other, move down a bit, remove the bricks and pile them on top of each other, move down a bit again, and so on. What’s so controversial about this?

This man was arrested because crowds of people blocked traffic. Since it was right outside Barnum’s museum, people stepped inside to ask him what the heck was going on. This meant dollars for him and the entertainer.

Create ethical controversy that doesn’t hurt anyone (or is illegal).

10. Genuinely Help People

Above all, the most important part of business is helping people, actually helping them to make their lives easier. At the heart of your business is income and profits, right? If word gets out that your business is less than honest and is just another run-of-the-mill bad experience, word of mouth will spread, and you will be avoided like the plague.

Likewise, if you provide genuine value to people, they’ll praise you up and down the street to friends. Bottom line: be an ethical marketer and person, and you’ll be rewarded ten-fold in the form of increased profits that are out of this world.

Final Thoughts

Keep in mind that everybody’s experiences with marketing is different. However, the age-old adage remains true: you’ll never know until you try. Trying is what separates winners from losers. Regardless, utilizing these marketing and content strategies creatively will probably boost your business and make people see how you can truly help them.

Featured photo credit: via pixabay.com via pixabay.com

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