A Letter to My Freshman Year Self


A Letter to My Freshman Year Self

Dear Freshman Alissa,

As I write this, we’re getting ready to graduate. Yup, we’re actually going to do this. Imagine you, young Alyssa, “adulating” all over the place. But before I don our cap and gown, I wanted to take a few minutes to go back and share some things that I think you need to know. To be honest, we could have been more prepared for this college life, but fortunately, it’s not too late.

We had a good run at these four years. Ultimately, I have no regrets. But whenever we reflect on any time in our lives, it’s natural to realize how we could have done things better. For me, this is one of those times. Having been through it and knowing what I know now, I feel I have some wisdom that I can impart to you.

  1. Go easy on the binge drinking

We’ve heard the cautionary tales too many times to count, but I can say with confidence that there’s merit to them. I know, you’re not the only one. A whopping 35% of college students binge drink. I’m just saying that you may want to find some other ways to have fun. You know, ways that won’t end with you waking up in a strange place with no recollection of how you got there.

  1. Nothing beats a classroom experience

Next semester, you’ll be tempted to take one of your classes online so you can sleep later. If you do this, understand that there is a tradeoff. There are benefits to taking classes online (flexibility is one of them), but you will miss the lectures. It’s a crazy thought, I know. But there’s something about sitting face-to-face with someone that helps enhance learning. If you do take that online course, spend some time getting to know your instructors to maximize your experience. It won’t exactly replicate the classroom, but it’ll help make things more personal.

  1. Join a club or activity

If you’re still thinking that binge drinking is an activity, go back and reread number one. We were all about the extracurriculars when they helped us get into college, but it was too easy to get wrapped up in the college life and let these things fall by the wayside. You should know that some of the same benefits apply to joining clubs in college as they do in high school. As a refresher, these include higher attendance rates, a higher GPA and better math scores. Gooo team!

  1. Don’t toss the syllabus

It’s so tempting to throw the syllabus in the trash or stash it in a pile that will never see the light of day. After all, that’s what we did throughout high school. Well, this isn’t high school. And the syllabus has information that you’ll need to reference throughout the semester. Don’t be that student who never knows what’s going on.

  1. Call home more often

At first, college will feel a bit like a vacation from the parents. This is completely normal, and it’s healthy to learn how to spread your wings. Just remember that these are people who will always be in your corner, no matter what. Don’t take those care packages and weekly Skype sessions for granted. There will come a time (or twelve) when you need these things more than you’d ever be willing to admit.

And now you’re ready to start crushing on that boy across the hall (it’s a good move, so go for this one). There are so many great experiences ahead of you that I wish I could relive. Enjoy every minute of them! And now that you know all I know, you’re poised to make the most out of your freshman year.

Good luck and have the time of your life!


Future Alissa

The post A Letter to My Freshman Year Self appeared first on Lifehack.

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