Duplicating The Common Traits of Successful People

Duplicating traits of successful people

Success is a path everyone wants to stay on. However, does everyone have the motivation to go on with the journey for success? That’s why only a few people succeed in following their goals. This handful of people generates the determination to start and continue the journey of success.

There are always good days and bad days, but the firm beliefs of motivated people make them go on and on without stopping.

Coming to study the traits of successful people I noted that, interestingly, there are some common things they do – which have a massive effect on their success. I’m sharing a comprehensive list of these traits to help you achieve your goals:

1. They Know Their “Why”

Imagine what would happen to a person wandering in a place who doesn’t know where to go. Yes, that person will never find the destination because the person doesn’t even know where to go.

Same goes for achieving success and reaching goals. If you haven’t addressed your “why” of your goals, you are already failing yourself from becoming someone massively successful.

That’s because, if you don’t address the “why” of your goals, you don’t know what you will get from them – and that leads to uncertainty. What is uncertainty? It’s nowhere.

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who’ll decide where to go.” Dr. Seuss

Moreover, successful people know this key point and they work on it. They go with their intuition and get an answer.

2. They Know that Quitting Means Failing

No one likes to fail. However, when we try to start something new which seems hard to peruse, we tend to quit it. That’s because, we are afraid of failing – but what we don’t understand is that quitting also means failing.

When you are quitting, you are not diverting yourself to anything better or saving your time, you are actually failing yourself.

Follow the footprints of successful people and don’t get frightened by your fears. The fear that you might fail in doing this. That you might not be able to complete what you have started. These are the fears you have to overcome by starting to believe that you can set and achieve goals on your own.

3. They Focus On Small Steps

We all think that people at the top of the ladder never get sad or frustrated and that’s why they are successful. Well, they do get frustrated, but they know why resentment happens.

It happens when we think about the big picture and get overwhelmed by the sheer size of our goals. We start getting anxious by this and feel that these are impossible to achieve.

To solve this, great people focus on small goals. This doesn’t mean that they don’t create big goals. This only means that they divide their goal into small parts and start doing one at a time. This makes things easier to follow and achieve.

The rule here is to do things regularly, to keep following the small steps every day. These may look so small that you might think these steps are negligible, but the same negligible steps if done regularly will make you achieve your goals.

4. They Can Feel Their Goals

To successful people, it is like having a vision that they have achieved their goals and they can feel the immense satisfaction the success brought to them. They can see it. They can touch it. They can feel it.

When you are really feeling your goals happening, you will never get disheartened. It is like a natural way of keeping you motivated. Because no matter what you argue, the brain can’t differentiate between reality and a mere perception. If you truly picture yourself achieving the goal, your mind will believe it and will start telling you that your goals are not impossible, but, in fact, achievable.

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Napoleon Hill

5. They Also Visualize Failure

How many times you have done things only when you knew you would get punished if you didn’t? Remember your school days when you didn’t want to do homework, but when you pictured your humiliation at class, you immediately opened your notebook and completed your homework?

Your dreams and goals work the similar way. If you want to stay motivated and not get despaired by frequent setbacks, you have to give yourself a little fear of failure. You can do that by thinking what would happen if you fail. You will feel an immense pain within you. Then you will do anything to not feel that pain which you have felt. That way you will give your full effort to your goal and that is what you need.

If you were looking for an answer to the question, how to achieve goals. Now you have it.

6. They Network with Positive People

It is possible that you have a friend or colleague who is disappointed with everything. If that person gets a promotion, the only thing uttered from the person’s mouth would be “My apartment is so small”.

Many of the studies have shown that what other people say can directly affect your thinking process. So, to keep yourself clean from toxic thoughts, you have to create a distance from these types of people.

That’s why successful people only connect with positive people. That way they train their mind to stay on track and not lose its way.

7. They Know That Thinking Is Also Real

The people who are ahead of the game know the working of the mind. They have understood that the human brain works in a simple way. It expands the thoughts that are coming in. So, they start thinking about building and achieving goals.

When they do that, their mind stimulates and expands that information. By continually doing this, they start developing their personalities and that helps in the way of achieving success.

“You become what you think about all day long” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Featured photo credit: stokpic via stokpic.com

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