27 Scenarios Only Sisters Can Highly Relate To

When your sister’s eyes are bigger than her stomach

Sisters – a very special love/hate relationship, especially when they are close in age. They “share” clothes, bathrooms, sometimes boyfriends; they “eat” each other out, and they fight. But, in the end, that bond overcomes it all, and the love/hate turns into only love. If you grew up with sisters, you can relate to all that follows here.

1. When you trust your sister too much:


via 9gag

You have a really hot date, and you’ve decided you don’t like your bangs. In a moment of weakness and false trust, you get the scissors and let your sister trim them. This is what you get. This will not get posted on any blog about funny haircuts, no matter how many pictures she takes.

2. When you get caught in your sister’s stuff:


via News.nster.com

Your sister is sleeping over at a friend’s – perfect time to explore her bedroom. You find her lockbox and the key taped to the back of her headboard. Perfect. You stick the key in the lock and it breaks off in there.

3. When you’re so embarrassed, you want to hide:


via Dailiymail.co.uk

You go out to eat. Your sister spends 20 minutes taking pictures of her food. Finally, she settles in to eat, realizes her food is cold and complains to the waiter.

4. When you can’t get away with simple “Theft”:


via Vanity Fair IT

You have “borrowed” your sister’s new top to wear on your date. You stay into your room until that date arrives. Just as you are coming down the stairs, you bump into your sister coming around the corner from the kitchen. Busted.

4. When your sister tries the same thing:


via Newgrounds.com

Two weeks later, your sister is getting ready for a great date, but something’s up. She is staying hidden. You know what she’s up to, so you lay in wait. She runs down the stairs and out the door. You are on her heels!

5. When you are beginning to think your sister may be a bit hypocritical:


via queereka.com

Your sister is majoring in women’s studies in college. She has turned into the “equality in all areas” for women demagogue. Then she comes home on winter break and doesn’t help your brother shovel the snow off the driveway.

6. When your sister’s eyes are bigger than her stomach:


via Imgur

You order pizza. You hate just cheese but that is the only kind she will eat, so you order half and half. You dig in as soon as it arrives. She takes one piece of her cheese-only half, eats it, and then tells you that’s really all she wants.

7. When you share a bathroom:



Sharing a bathroom is dicey. She has been in there for the past hour putting makeup on, and you just need to get the soccer practice sweat off. Finally, she emerges, looking stunning. She tells you not to worry about the mess – she’ll clean it up when she gets home.

8. When our treasure becomes her treasure:


via Adweek.com

You have a secret stash of candy. It’s about 2:00 a.m. you are up late studying, and you need an energy boost from some of those Snickers bars. OMG – they are all gone. You shake your sister awake. Her reason? When you were 5 years old you stole some of her Easter candy.

9. When she hangs out with your ex:


via Dailymail.co.uk

It took you 3 months to get over being dumped. Still, when you see your sister hanging out at the mall food court with him, what gives? When she gets home, somehow all of her homework is missing.

10. When Christmas revenge is sweet:


via Imgur.com

Christmas is coming. Last year your sister recommended a hideous outfit for your mom to buy you. Guess what mom is getting her this year?

11. When your sister moves back home after college:


via 9gag

You have had 4 years as queen of the bathroom and have even been using her old room for storage. Suddenly, this “stranger” has returned to disrupt your peace. This scenario is so typical and has such humorous sideshows that even NBC has developed a new series about it.

 12. When you need to downplay your bad behavior:


via twitter@bellagordon

Your sister took the skirt you had laid out last night. You end up in a tussle. She starts wailing over a few scratches. “I barely touched her!” you tell you mom. “She did that to herself just to get me in trouble!”

13. When your sister deliberately gives you bad advice:


via 9gag

You parents are sleeping in after hosting a big party. You need some money for a new outfit so you decide to play “angel” and clean up the kitchen. Your sister tells you to consolidate all of half-empty liquor bottles into just a few. Your parents arrive just as you have finished this task.

14. When you reciprocate by giving bad advice:


via 9gag

Your sister considers herself a great artist and is always drawing great pictures which your parents admire. They are gone for the day. You tell your sister they plan to paint the hall and said you could have fun drawing on it today. She gets to work! Big surprise for mom and dad when they return!

15. When your sister reveals your secrets:


via quickmeme.com

You got an “F” on a test and are definitely trying to hide it from your parents. Ever so sweetly she tells you how sorry she is that you got that “F,” right at the dinner table.

16. When the test thing still angers you:


via 9gag

You need revenge. You look around her room while she’s in the shower and spy her purse. You go into her wallet, take out all the money, and put it under her mattress. She leaves with her friends to go shopping. “Have fun!” You wave goodbye.

17. When you are tired of her procrastination:


via Imgur

Your sister is a procrastinator. You, on the other hand, are “Miss Perfect,” always scheduling your day just right. You are about to step into the shower, and she insists that she is runing late and must go first. You tell her you’ll be super quick – just a few minutes. Oops – no time to clean!

18. When your comfort is ruined:


via Twitter@ FaroUmar

You have settled in to watch a Netflix movie, with snacks, pillow and “blankie.” You pause to go to the bathroom, only to find her in your spot watching a re-run of “Two Broke Girls.” Only one option here.

19. When your sister can’t help looking great in “grunge”:


via Lefunny.net

You have a first date with a new guy, and you have spent all day getting ready, and you look great. Your sister doesn’t have a date tonight, so she is in a pair of sweats with her hair up in a ponytail and no makeup on. Your date arrives. As you are leaving, he says, “Your sister is pretty hot.”

20. When you need to deny, deny, deny:


via 9gag

You “borrowed” your sister’s blouse. Why? You are out with friends for a night on the town, and your phone keeps going off. It’s your sister, and you know what she is calling about – 8 text messages and two calls – wow. Finally, you answer just to get it all to stop. You’ll help her look when you get home.

21. When you are sure you are mom’s favorite:


via Twitter@ munchlaxatives

You and your sister are having a major argument about chores. Your sister knows it’s her turn but she is denying it. Your mom sides with you.

22. When you can place the blame on her:


via Online-instagram.com

Your parents have a new dining room set. You sit down at it with a piece of paper and draw something with a ballpoint pen. You finish, only to see a large scratch. Panic. You say nothing. Your mother notices it, says, “What happened?” You don’t know. “Where’s your sister?” Next door. “You go get her!” Nice – she can take the blame.

23. When your sister laughs at your troubles:


via Heavy.com

You are in trouble with mom and dad. You stayed out past curfew and now you’re grounded. Your sister is taking particular delight and laughing about it. What she looks like to you while she’s doing that.

24. When you have to fake make up:


via Twitter:@queenbrittany

You and your sister have been arguing and fighting all day. Your parents are totally fed up with it. Finally, they send you to your shared bedroom and tell you, you cannot come out until you have hugged and made up. Here is how that feels.

25. When being put in charge turns you into a fascist:


via Teamamerica.com

You are the older sister and when you parents go out, they put you in charge. It’s time to get your revenge for all of the things this little sis has done to you since forever. Here’s what you look like to her.

26. When you receive serious threats:


via 9gag

“I’m gonna tell everything to mom” she screams after spotting you sipping from the wine bottle or making out with your secret boyfriend on the couch. You know that her true goal is to get something from you – a bunch of sweets, your new skirt or any other perk she can negotiate.

27. When all is said and done, what would you really do without your sister?


via Twitter:@sheeratchet

It’s true. You have been through everything together, and you will have each other’s backs forever.

Featured photo credit: gwaffle via imgur.com

The post 27 Scenarios Only Sisters Can Highly Relate To appeared first on Lifehack.

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