This Short Animation Reveals A Brutal Truth About Life That Everyone Should Watch

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To a degree, each of us perceive the world as if we’re at its center. Be it the arrogant or the humble, each of us is tasked with creating the reality we exist in. We craft our world through the people we spend time with, the hobbies we take up, or the food we fill our stomachs with at lunchtime. No matter how large or small the detail, we, the individual, are in charge with creating our own life.

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There’s a definite danger in this approach, however. With this self-centered, “I-create-my-own-reality” type of thinking, we overlook the symbiotic structure in which we all exist. Though your world is indeed crafted and experienced through your own lens, other people are constantly affected by our decisions and actions. It’s easy to forget that there’s substance and depth to the guy pumping your gas, or the barista making your coffee, or the construction worker on the side of the interstate. It’s easy to only think your problems outweigh everyone else’s. It’s easy to forgo appreciation for instant self gratification.

It’s easy to do all these things, but much harder when you’re on the other end. It’s hard when you’re the waiter who’s being berated and screamed at for an overcooked steak. It’s hard when someone else gets your hard-earned credit for the Keynote presentation at work. It’s hard when a passing by train drenches you with water. It’s hard when you feel used, and abused, and confused with life’s hardships. It’s hard when you’re treated as another minuscule part of someone else’s world.

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So, then, why do we so easily overlook this in regards to our own lives?

What’s implied and portrayed in the video is something along these lines in my opinion. Everything in the main characters day is determined largely by the seemingly invisible people operating the objects in the background. Even a small blip in the process and structure of this world, like the two message carries colliding mid-video, can cause complete chaos. And yet, we so easily forget the importance of others in our day-to-day lives, especially those we don’t know personally. We so frequently put our own needs, wants, desires, and aspirations above all, throwing care for others to the wind. It’s easy to understand because it’s easy to do.

Maybe we will never actually understand why until we’re in the suit ourselves…

The post This Short Animation Reveals A Brutal Truth About Life That Everyone Should Watch appeared first on Lifehack.

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