5 Reasons Why Leaders Need to Stimulate Their Vocabulary Now


There is a reason why we crave the positive. There’s a reason why the words we use matter in our every day lives. As we know, the world can be a very hard and gloomy place. It is full of violence, hatred, and dishonesty.

In spite of everything that tries to bring us down, we still persevere through adversity and confusion. Many of us are unable to move forward without the guidance of the people we trust most – our leaders. During times of trouble and unrest, we look to the men and women whose job it is to calm our fears to provide answers so that we might understand and accept the events as they have unfolded.

Not every leader has a world stage on which to preach to the masses, but every one of us is a leader in some way, shape, or form. That is why it is vital for us to be aware of the words we use, regardless if we have a title or not.

Our minds are forever etched with the images we see daily and yet we forget the power of our words.

It’s time we start arousing people’s souls once again. It’s time to say what must be said. It’s time to move mankind forward.

Words evoke emotion.  

We cannot help but feel connected to one another when we allow the words shared to mean something. Words can leave us heartbroken to the ones that provide a small miracle. Becoming immune to words like, “Thank you” or “Please, help me” do not aid our hearts if the words are insincere or fake. Throughout time, being human has always been communicated through words. It has allowed us to be vulnerable, when push came to shove. Too often, we are have words left unsaid because we were afraid to tell people how we really feel.

Words create action.

If we set on a course for change, then any movement we take will not happen without a few inspiring words. Our responses could be to do nothing, or they could stimulate such a reaction that momentum becomes apparent as we gather others along the way. NO plan comes to fruition without a few choice words heard by even just one person. The world does not become different with thought alone. In order for true change to occur, we must do something. Words spark creativity and drive what would not have occurred otherwise.

Words encourage.  

Our soul is exhilarated with positive and supportive language. Nothing will ever be as important as believing in someone else. Words convey that message best. Choosing to focus on potential, good qualities, and success will enhance further beneficial behavior. Words allow us to let go of what we must, while still showing us a different way to see something else. In the moments when we want to quit the most, it will always be the words of praise… the words that inspire… and the words that trigger a reaction which instills us with the will to keep going.

Words guide us.

We may not have all of the answers or understand every situation, but when the right words put us a little more at ease or somehow comfort us, we begin to allow those words to show us what to do next. Only the right words will caution us to forgo actions that we will regret later, while another set of words will instruct us how to improve and correct what went wrong. The vocabulary we choose can insight riots or it can call for peace.

Words give us hope.  

Without hope, words are meaningless. They assume responsibility for the emotion carried in them while turning that emotion into something to believe in. They show us a path, or give us direction, when we have none. They remind us of the good things in this world, yet also remind us that not all things are good. These words restore faith and trust where it was lost and forgotten. They create optimism and minimize fear.


Some of us may still be waiting for someone else to take the helm and provide us with those words that lead us in every way I just described above. Being a leader does not come with a title, it is bestowed upon each and every one of us. It is our right as humans to assume the responsibility and teach others why every inspiring word matters. Every word — whether written or spoken — has a purpose. Our perception of each word is vital to invoking change, promoting togetherness, and the survival of us all.

The connection we feel to one another, regardless of the situation, will always begin with the choices we make – and that includes the way we talk to one another.

“We will never change our culture until we change our vocabulary.”

It’s time to start speaking up and become accountable for our lives, as well as the lives of others. Using the right words, change becomes more than just a ripple, it grows into a wave that is unstoppable.  However, it must have a beginning.  It begins with one voice – just one.

Featured photo credit: Moritz Schmidt via unsplash.com

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