10 Things Will Happen When You Stop Limiting Yourself


Too often do people limit themselves by not being sure of their success.

I know many great individuals with huge potential who just don’t try new things because they fear failure, who don’t feel comfortable in their own skin and as a result don’t approach new people or speak up. That’s an awful way to live life. Because — we’re all equally gifted and it’s all a matter of choice and initiative whether we’ll become the best version of ourselves or live an average life. But if you stop limiting yourself, big transformations will start happening in every area of your life right away.

Here are the most important transformations you’ll experience once you stop limiting yourself:

1. You’ll have bigger goals.

People who always think they can’t succeed are scared to dream big. They don’t dare to set big goals and share them with others. And that’s why they never achieve anything better in life. But if you let go of the limitations you set to yourself, you’ll know you can reach anything you dream about. And so can everyone else.

So define your deepest desires and ideal lifestyle today, believe you can get there. And write down the things you need to do, think of the person you need to become and the changes you’ll need to make to get closer to your goals.

2. You’ll improve your skills.

As a result of believing in yourself and your abilities more, you’ll work on fighting your weaknesses and improving your strengths. You’ll gain knowledge and experience in new areas, may even master a skill after some time. That will change your perspective of life and you’ll aim even higher after that.

3. You’ll overcome shyness.

Social anxiety can be a result of the lack of self-esteem. But once you stop limiting yourself, there won’t be anything to stop you from communicating with people freely and confidently. A great way to start is by approaching one new person daily, no matter how uncomfortable or scary it may feel. Once you do that, you’ll see it’s nothing impossible. Even if it’s awkward the first few times, you’ll soon feel better around new people and will think of stuff to talk about more easily.

4. You’ll get things done.

Limiting yourself also ruins your productivity. But once you let go of that, you’ll actually get to work more often and will be more focused (instead of procrastinating, thinking you’ll fail, or having doubts). The results will be great too and soon other people will start noticing it.

5. You’ll be present.

Another way we usually limit ourselves is by living in the past and dreaming of the future, while ignoring the present. We constantly get back to what was before, compare it to what is now and have regrets. We also fear the future, try to predict what might happen or imagine the worst case scenario.

But life happens here in the present moment. And once you realize that, you’ll be able to be more mindful of what’s currently happening.

6. You’ll enjoy life more.

Living in the present has another huge benefit – you truly experience every day, find happiness and contentment, and appreciate the things you have much more.

7. You’ll generate ideas.

Once you’re confident and free from limitations and mental barriers, you’ll also get your creative juices flowing. You’ll start coming up with new ideas, will handle daily problems more easily, and will start working on new projects all the time.

8. You won’t get depressed.

Depression is often a result of the stress and unhappiness we bring to ourselves by not following our path in life, not doing things we enjoy, not being social or expecting the best to happen. But when you stop limiting yourself you’ll always be doing something – either spending quality time with loved ones and new friends, being focused on your current activity and doing productive work, or working on your goals and dreams.

So there won’t really be any time and reason to get depressed.

9. You’ll take action more often.

Another great benefit of not limiting yourself is that you’ll become action-oriented. Most people have too many doubts and insecurities, fear of failure and distractions get in the way too. But once you have peace of mind and the right amount of confidence, you’ll also take initiative, act upon your goals and turn ideas into reality.

You’ll do many other little things like asking a question when you want to know something, not waiting for the perfect timing and conditions to do something, expressing your opinion and thus simplifying communication. And much more.

It all starts with doing something right away instead of overthinking it.

10. You’ll become a role model.

One of the best ways to inspire others is to do something great with your life. And if you’re purpose-oriented, know what you want and are going after it, don’t waste time but work hard on what you believe in, and have fun at the same time and are grateful, then you’ll be a great role model.

People will look up to you. You’ll motivate them to do the same without saying anything or making them do so, but simply by following your path and letting them see your progress. So that’s how the life of someone who’s not limiting himself looks like. And you can have the same very soon if you simply decide that you want more out of life and are ready to fight for it.

So what can you do today to stop limiting yourself and start living the life you deserve?

The post 10 Things Will Happen When You Stop Limiting Yourself appeared first on Lifehack.

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