Listverse top 10 lists

Top 10 Lists - Listverse
10 Instances Where Politicians And Gangsters Worked Together
5/9/2015 2:00:00 AM
It seems paradoxical that those who profit from breaking the law could be so influential in lawmaking. Any hint that a gangster has ever held sway over a political figure would most likely be dismissed and denied in perpetuity. In these 10 instances, however, politicians and gangsters worked together for a variety of purposes, some […]
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10 Things You Won't Believe Are Being Counterfeited
5/9/2015 2:00:00 AM
You've likely encountered someone on the street peddling knockoff handbags or pirated DVDs. As far as crimes go, such industry ranks far beneath rape and murder, but it’s not without consequence. Counterfeiting has been estimated to cost the global economy hundreds of billions of dollars each year. Outside of its effects on the economy, fake […]
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10 Great Works Of Art With Incredible Secret Meanings
5/9/2015 2:00:00 AM
Ever since Dan Brown wrote The Da Vinci Code, the Internet has been awash with people trying to solve the "mysteries" of great art. From aliens in Renaissance paintings to countless conspiracies involving the Mona Lisa, there's been no dumb stone left unturned. But not all theories about a work's meaning are so openly nuts. […]
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10 Of The Most Stunning And Unique Buildings In The US
5/8/2015 2:00:00 AM
When we think of the US, we picture towering skyscrapers and apartments in the cities, copycat suburb houses with white picket fences, and little lonesome red farmhouses in the fields and prairies. Everything is a standardized design of steel, glass, and bricks. However, the US is also the home of world-famous artists, architects, and rich […]
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10 Pious People Who Defy Common Religious Stereotypes
5/8/2015 2:00:00 AM
Stereotypes have a nifty way of condensing oceanic amounts of information about people into neat, bite-sized parcels. They're also quintessential conduits for discrimination and cultural misrepresentation. Few domains exemplify this danger better than religion. Sweeping generalizations about what people of differing faiths are like can create the impression that a Christian, Muslim, or Jew, for […]
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10 Debunked Scientific Studies That Would Have Made Life Awesome
5/8/2015 2:00:00 AM
Science is awesome. Take one look at CERN, the awesome stuff we've found on Mars, or pictures of that comet we landed on and it's hard to conclude otherwise. But just occasionally, science could stand to be a little bit awesomer. For every peer-reviewed theory opening up the wonders of the universe, there are about […]
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10 Of The Most Shocking And Gruesome Things Ever Seen On Stage
5/7/2015 2:01:00 AM
Do you think going to see a play is boring? You won't after learning about some of these theatrical productions, which utilized more fake (or real) blood, violence, and terrifying glimpses into the human psyche than most horror movies. 10 The Grand Guginol Theatre If we were to visit Paris in the early part of […]
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10 Fascinating Ways Our Brains Can Be Manipulated
5/7/2015 2:00:00 AM
Scientists are doing fascinating research into how the human brain works. They’re also learning how our brains can be manipulated, whether accidentally or on purpose. Although some of this research has the potential to help certain disabled people, some of it might also be misused in frightening ways. 10The Hot/Cold Effect Without realizing it, our […]
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10 Bizarre Hypothetical Forms Of Government
5/7/2015 2:00:00 AM
We have been ruled by kings and queens, emperors and empresses, theocrats, fascists, authoritarian dictators, faceless bureaucrats, howling mobs, aristocratic elites, and, allegedly, the popular will. Nevertheless, there are some forms of political organization that have been discussed, but never actually implemented. 10 Technocracy Photo credit: Technocracy, Inc. The Industrial Revolution brought wonderful, labor-saving machines […]
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